Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Now is the time organise and get the maximum out of this woderful site. I need to get some suggestions from friends and visitors. Let me know more.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

The newest Project that FunkyGuru is wokring on is here. It is in developement. Home of It is about your self. Self esteem, confidence building, clearing blocks from your life, living, energising, rejuvenating, recharching, empowering, cleansing .... the list goes on. The question is what do you want? Financial success, emotional freedom, spiritual awakening? Do you even know what do you want? Ask him, he may have the answer. Or rather to say it more correctly, he may have the question.

Enjoy this one my friends, its the next big thing to happen.
This Entire Site is Dedicated to Priya.
Home Page The art of self empowerment. The art of healing and promoting self esteem. Check it out.
Home Page

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

For the real insider information on Teaching in Thailand, check this out - living and teaching in Bangkok

Friday, October 10, 2003

This is the begining of HPDesai.COM. A project so well recieved so far and been developed by many wise people from all over the world.