Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Racism is just a phone call away- The Times of India: "'I have inside knowledge of call centres, having worked in several. It's crucial that the agents be efficient. Barraging them with 60-second calls will ruin their stats and also lower their morale. Eventually, they'll start thinking 'another damn rude American a******' every time a call comes up. All of this will have a cumulative effect. If 100 people across the US would commit to spending 10 minutes a day, we could cripple them, and bring those jobs back to the US.'"

The above is quote from a Bulletin Board or Blog. Only one response, not a reaction. Now imagine that ALL the call centers are back in US. Now Imagine what if just 10 % 1.2 Billion of Indian People were to call US for 10 minutes a day making 60 second call. Would it last that long? Before burning others down with your own hatred, look inside if they were to do the same to you. Are you ready for taking what you are giving? Wisen up people. Live in the present moment not past glory.

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